
Web3 Native Intellectual Property & Licensing Protocol

IP Registry

Legato’s Smart Contracts allow organizations & individuals to register their intellectual property (music, video, text, likeness and more) on chain as a single source of truth, including royalty rights ownership.

IP Licensing Protocol

Legato’s IP Licensing Protocol relies on Legato’s IP Registry and provides a monetization layer for IP owners, that exists completely on chain.

Think DocuSign, but on-chain, including payment distributions and royalty splits.

Contracts and licenses are on-chain verifiable and can even be purchased directly via other smart contracts.

Register your IP

Register Music, Video, Text, Likeness and more in Legato’s IP Registery


issue paid licenses in your own store for businesses that want to use your IP for commercial use.


Legato can support any type of contract, any type of ERC20 payment (USDC by default) and multiple types of royalty scenarios.

Ready to get started? Get in touch or create an account

Open your own IP store on Legato’s Regisry